What Is Google Firebase And Why Is It Used?

By | November 1, 2020

What Is Google Firebase And Why Is It Used? –  Hello friends how are you all?  Hope you are all healthy.  Friends, I once again welcome all of you to our brand new article.  Today in this article we are going to tell you about Google Firebase.  Today we will tell you what Google Firebase is and why Google Firebase is used.  If you also want to know about Google Firebase, then read this article of ours till the last.

 Friends, as you all know, technology is developing day by day.  Today is such a time that you will get to see many such technologies on the Internet which are very important for us.  Using which we can make our life very easy.  But all the technology that friends develop, all those technologies are important only for the user.  No technology is created for developers.  Google Firebase is a technology that is mainly made for developers and today we are going to give you information about it.

 Friends, if you have knowledge of app designing or website designing and you are an app developer, then we are sure that you must have heard about Google Firebase and maybe you use it  but very rarely  there are people who know what is Google Firebase?  And why is it used?  That is why today we will give you every information related to it.

 What Is Google Firebase Application?

 Friends, if you do not know what Google Firebase is, then let me tell you that there is a type of technology from Google Firebase which is mainly used by app developers.

 Google Firebase is a system through which you can get complete information about your developed application.  Through Google Firebase you can check how many people are using the application you have developed.  Using Firebase you can also see how many people have registered in the application you have created.

 What Is Google Firebase?

 Friends, if you want to know what are the functions of Google Firebase, then let me tell you that Google Firebase only works for application developers.

 Let friends explain to you by example.  Suppose you have developed an application and launched that application on the Internet or Google Play Store.  Now if you want to check how many people have downloaded your application or how many people are using your application then you can use Google Firebase.  Through Google Firebase, you can monitor your application and also check that there is no problem in the application you have developed and if there is any problem in it, then you can manage it. 

 If you want to give a message to all the people who have downloaded your application, then you can also send a message to all of them  through Google Firebase.  Many similar tasks are done by Google firebase.

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 Friends, this was a small information for you in which today we told you what is Google Firebase and why is Google Firebase used?  We hope you like this information.  If you want to get other similar information, then read our article daily.  Thank you very much for your valuable time.  Good Day