What is 5 G Technology ? How 5G Technology Works

By | September 10, 2020

What is 5 G Technology ? – Hello friends how are you all? I  again welcome all of you in our new article. Friends, today we will give you information on a very important topic. Today in this article, we will tell you about 5G technology, if you also want to get the latest updates related to 5 G technology, then read the article to the last, because today we will be told many important things related to 5G technology.

Friends, 4G technology was launched in India just a few years ago. With the launch of 4G technology, there has been a big change in the world of mobile networks, but do you know that 5G technology is also coming to India very soon. It is sure that all of you must have heard on newspapers and news channels that 5G technology is going to be launched in India.

Yes friends, you have heard absolutely right, 5G technology trial is going on in India and very soon.  5G technology will be launched in India. If you also want to know what 5 G technology and how it will affect you, then keep reading the article till the last.

As of now there is 4G technology in India. 4G technology has many benefits and many disadvantages. Through 4G technology, we cannot easily send large files from one place to another through the Internet. Speed ​​of 4G technology is not so good but in 5G technology the speed will be very fast.

What Is 5G Technology ? 

Friends, as you all know that all the mobile circulation technology is followed in this technology. When the network technology was launched, it was first generation, then it was further updated, then its second generation came, third generation came after a little more update, then fourth generation came, now 5G technology launch after more updates.

 This 5G technology will be much more than 4G technology. By using this technology, you will be able to send the largest Internet file from one place to another in a very short time.

How Much Speed Will You Get In 5G Technology?

If we talk about how much speed will be achieved in 5G technology, friends, you will be surprised to know that in 5G technology you will get much higher speed than 4G technology. In 4G technology, you get a maximum speed of 45mb/second but when 5G is launched, then you will start getting 20gb/scnd. This speed is so high that you will be able to download the biggest movie in one click.

When Will 5G Technology Launch In India

Friends, 5G technology will be launched in India very soon, nothing has been announced by the government yet. It will cost a lot of money to launch 5G technology and will have to invest a lot. Right now there is an economic downturn in the country due to the corona epidemic, 5G technology will be launched after some time when the government will have the budget, 5G technology trial is going on.

How 5G Technology Works

Friends, now all of you will have a question that how does 5G technology work? Let us explain to you, friendsthe network in our mobile phones comes through the big satellite which is in space. This satellite sends single to the mobile phone tower, after which the tower of the mobile phone sends the signal to your mobile phone. This is a very long process.

So sometimes due to not getting tower the network does not come in our phone, but friends, when the 5G technology is launched it will be very easy to send the signal  now you will see that the towers of 2G 3G and 4G mobiles are very high High ground, but 5G technology will not require high towers. In 5G technology, towers will be very small, you can install them in electric poles and on the roof of your house.

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Friends this was a little information for you. Today we told you about 5G technology. We hope you will like this information. If you want to get more information related to technology, then stay with us. Thank you